Stand #: B04
Short Company Description

MyEva exists to improve financial wellbeing for everyone at every stage of their life, whatever life brings. No jargon, no pressure. MyEva is a digital financial adviser, here to help people manage their money better in the now, and feel better about their future. Every relationship an employee has with MyEva is confidential, yet annoymised data gives employers detailed analytics about what worries are top of mind for their teams. Come and learn how clients such as the NHS, Ricoh and Unilever are empowering their employees to improve financial wellbeing thanks to the UKs regulated digital financial adviser: MyEva.

Finance Financial Education Healthcare & Wellbeing
Company Contact Email:

Wizards House,
8 Athena Court,
Tachbrook Park,

County/State: Leaminton Spa
Postcode/ZIP: CV34 6RT
Country: United Kingdom